Indie Planet TV

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Rappers That Have Served in the Military


In what is quite possibly the most popular blog post in Indie Planet history besides the "Hall of Fame" debates we used to have, I thought it was time to re-visit Rappers Who Served in the Military on this Veteran's Day.

At the time it was written, we caught a lot of flack for allegedly throwing dirt on the legendary Ice T's name by labeling him a military servicemember despite the fact that his earlier records 6 in the Morning, Colors, etc didn't reflect that lifestyle.

Flash forward two years later and Ice T released an autobiography about his rise to prominence and he counts his time spent in the Army as one of the main reasons he succeeded in life. It gave him to discipline to stay cool in tough situations and think things through.


Here's the post: Enjoy


Are there any other rappers that you know have served in the Armed Forces? Drop your thoughts in the comments section!

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