Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

Real America Partnerships: Demetrius Hood, Chief Executive Officer and James Weathered, Vice President of Revised Personnel

We are pleased to present Demetrius Hood, Chief Executive Officer, and James Weathered, Vice President of Revised Personnel. Revised Personnel is a Texas-based corporation that specializes in warehouse production and staffing services for apartments. We would like to emphasize the significance of partnership, often referred to as collaboration, particularly within the music industry.

As a minority business owner, James Weathered, also known as James the Staffer, believes it is crucial to culturally expand into as many markets as possible. Our decision to enter the staffing industry was influenced by renowned companies such as Robert Half, which reported over $2 billion in sales in a single quarter. “I enjoy highlighting these statistics to motivate individuals to explore deeper aspects of their business models,” states James Weathered. Our company anticipates generating $2.4 million in sales by 2025. While this may represent a small portion of a larger market, time will position you advantageously.

We invite you to contact Revised Personnel for your staffing requirements, and together, we can elevate our endeavors to the next level.

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