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Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs


Russell Simmons; hip-hop stars Jim Jones and Freeway; Dr. Benjamin Chavis, President/CEO of the Hip-Hop Research and Education Fund; Steve Phillips, Founder and Chairman of PowerPAC; Valeisha Butterfield, Executive Director of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network

Russell Simmons, Jim Jones, Freeway; Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Steve Phillips, Founder and Chairman of PowerPAC; Valeisha Butterfield, Executive Director of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network will all lend their starpower to a press conference to launch the national "Hip-Hop Team Vote: Turn Up The Vote" campaign with Hip-Hop Research and Education Fund, PowerPAC and the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. "Hip-Hop Team Vote: Turn Up The Vote" is an unprecedented, focused national campaign to mobilize the hip-hop generation of youth voters to ensure the largest youth voter turnout in American history on November 4, 2008. The press conference will announce a statewide youth voter registration effort between March 18 - March 24, the deadline to register voters for the April 22 Pennsylvania primary, as well as a Youth Voter Summit to take place in Philadelphia days before the Pennsylvania primary.

University of Pennsylvania, Houston Hall (Bodek Lounge) at 3417 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Wednesday, March 19 at 11am EST. Press check in 10:00am

The community partners are the United States Student Association and Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network (WEEN).

About Hip-Hop Research and Education Fund

Founded in 2001, the Hip-Hop Research and Education Fund (HREF) is one of the premier research and public education organizations, dedicated to raising public awareness about social, cultural, political and economic issues important to the hip-hop generation in America and throughout the world. HREF is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501C3 organization, based in New York City.

About PowerPAC

PowerPAC is a nonprofit advocacy and political organization. It was organized to champion democracy and social justice in states and communities across the country. PowerPAC directs financial and human resources to strategic local and state legislative fights, ballot initiatives, and candidate campaigns by organizing donors who are committed to social justice politics. The organization identifies priority areas for investment and helps donors achieve maximum political impact with their political giving. This process includes conducting research and analysis on the political landscape, identifying critical social justice issues and rising star candidates to bring more voters -particularly voters of color - into the political process. PowerPAC believes that the most effective way to build political power for historically underrepresented constituencies is to invest in long-term political and for structure that can be mobilized for short-term victories.

About Hip-Hop Summit Action Network
Founded in 2001, the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network is dedicated to harnessing the cultural relevance of hip-hop music to serve as a catalyst for education advocacy and other societal concerns fundamental to the well being of at-risk youth throughout the United States. HSAN is the largest non-profit, worldwide coalition of hip-hop artists, entertainment industry leaders, education advocates, civil rights proponents, and youth leaders united in the belief that Hip-Hop is an enormously influential agent for positive social change which must be responsibly and proactively utilized to fight the war on poverty and injustice.

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