Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

7/21 - Presentation on Social Networking Sites for Your Business Feedback...

I always enjoy speaking about Social Networking sites and how to integrate them into your businessplan both as an Entertainment entity and as a "traditional" businessperson. The questions were good and we even went over an extra 20 minutes just answering questions.

The entire presentation was filmed in High Definition and I may distribute a few segments to my online outlets that I do written columns or radio segments, we'll see how that lines up.
The entire version will be available on DVD.

It felt good that people in other states that "know how I get down" were sending me reminders to "Make sure you tape it" so that they can check it out when its complete.

Those in attendance were fed very well and the Woodlawn Branch Library will be eating good for the next couple days with the leftover items that they put in the fridge for the staff members. Thanks to those who stopped by -

All-in-all, I think I'm on to something (lol). There are plenty of college students, aspiring business people, established business people, and not to mention, and ENTIRE music industry that look at New Technologies as a big mystery. Good thing I'm more than happy to answer questions and break it down.

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