Indie Planet TV

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Cassidy Talks Wreckless Against Gillie da Kid

On Tuesday, footage was leaked to the internet and made available showing Cassidy making some disrespectful comments about Gillie Da Kid apparently out of nowhere on an as yet to be released DVD entitled "Ghetto Report DVD". Gillie, not being aware of the footage recorded previously by the Cameraman with Cassidy, showed nothing but love to Swizz Beats Young Protege, only to find out once the cameras stopped rolling and the footage rewound, about Cassidy's disrespectful comments towards him.

Yesterday evening on THEHITBREAKERS.COM Bi-Weekly Conference call, Cassidy was a guest on the call when the King of Philly popped up on the call to confront Cassidy about the comments he made about him. Attached is the audio of that call. Although Gillie clearly stated that there is NO BEEF and apologized for his improptu appearance not to mention giving praise to the DJs for all of their support,

What prompted the comments and the disrespect on Cassidy's end? nobody knows. clearly, when asked by DJ WREKK 1, the moderator on the call, how the conflict could be handled positively, Gillie made it a point to say that THERE IS NO BEEF but that the proof is in the pudding that the King of Philly refuses to allow ANYONE to disrespect his throne, Deal or No Deal.

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