Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

Mr.shadeed's Comments

Comment Wall (51 comments)

At 10:04am on June 15, 2008, Brothers & Sisters Entertainment L.L.C. said…
Ok I understand, can you please forward the info so I can send you the file?
Thank you!
At 3:38pm on June 16, 2008, DelaNoyz said…
Yo Shadeed, glad to see you made it home safely. It was a pleasure meeting you and being able to connect. I can't wait to see how the interview turned out. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) Peace!
At 9:35pm on June 17, 2008, StressWon said…
what up Sha,,I have to tell ya,,,,"cuttin corners" was the best advice. I know a guy who says he'll press my CD as long as I hit him off wit a couple off beats,,,,,Now I see the light,,,I'll keep ya posted,,,1
At 4:10pm on June 23, 2008, mobey_dillz said…
Well I just copped an MPC 1000. I got rid of the 4000 a few years back...just to big to lug around. Anyway I got that coming and some sample disks. Unfortunatly I can't do much sampling myself out here but I've got plenty of time to do the rest. Imma just use that and my laptop and see what happens.
Like I said...You got me motivated.
At 7:52am on June 26, 2008, Dwayne said…
no dig...see u then. how many days y'all gonna be down? and what days of the week? wanna try and set somethin up for us to get into.
At 4:41pm on June 26, 2008, Princeton Parks said…
do you know when it might be up on the site... i know youre busy just asking.?
At 3:54pm on June 27, 2008, Shaleea said…
OMG I am soooo Sorry. After the storm last week I had a trip to clear water that I forgot to mention and I'm just now getting back and settled in today. My answering machine is full and just got thru all my emails!!
At 2:02am on June 28, 2008, Tha G.T. said…
thanks i appreciate that man fo real. thanks for tha knowledge you droppin. You a good person.... Anything you need, holla at me...

Tha G.T.
At 7:41am on June 29, 2008, Producer_Gal said…
hey Shaheed!!! It's cool to hear from you , we can definately stay connected here. I appreciate your experience and knowledge always. Canada? sounds cool!
At 1:44pm on June 30, 2008, said…
Peace playa...and greetings from the Lou! We have a big indie scene here, probably more labels per capita than any other city, yo! Chingy, Isis...they're our peeps, Isis is on the radio down in Birhmingham. Definately down for anything that shines light on our city and if there's anything we can do to help Indie Planet, don't hesitate to let us know.

At 4:48pm on July 1, 2008, mobey_dillz said…
Yo it was a spur of the moment type thing when I sold the 4000. Now everythings getting microsized except for records. They need to make mini vinyl...u know it got the same vinyl sound and feel put it's the size of a penny. YO YOU BETTER HIT UP THAT ROCK THE BELLS!!!! WISH I WAS THERE NO DOUBT!!!!!
At 1:26pm on July 8, 2008, Shaleea said…
ay bay bay!! I been swamped with new client work... I sent you a responce like 2 weeks ago!!
At 1:52pm on July 8, 2008, StressWon said…
What up Sha, just checkin in,,,,hope ya weekend went well. Mines was nice,,home on the grill. Gotta love it. Anyways, we definitly do need to get up asap. Hit me wit a PM wit ya number. My old phone died and I lost all the numbers I had stored on there. Be safe.
At 5:42pm on July 16, 2008, DJ EXCEL said…
Thanks fam I though I was a member on ya jawn....Nice setup
At 1:17pm on July 18, 2008, NJ,Rep. CHUCK said…
im willing 2 travel..not as much as i want 2 ...cuz i got a job...but im up 2 do'n anything thats in my will...just 2 b heard,put my name out there,2 grow as an artist & etc... i will appreciate that list of events so i can do so...............good look...
At 6:13pm on July 21, 2008, Brothers & Sisters Entertainment L.L.C. said…
Mr. Shaheed, how are you? I hope all is well. Im wondering if you can help my artists Von Sway & KO-Lition with some shows up and down the East Coast. I heard you have a list. Please let me know.

Re-Re Browne
At 2:25pm on July 28, 2008, said…
Hey! It was great talking with you too. Love this site. I will definitely stay in touch regarding events. Is this the best way to reach you or do you have an email? We made alot of GREAT contacts. I am checking into the SMES Awards coming up in September and also the Midatlantic Music Conference in November. Maybe I will see ya there!
Angie Woods
Promotions Coordinator
At 10:46am on August 4, 2008, StressWon said…
what up Sha,,,just checkin in. been busy workin on a record release jammy in jers. Finally found my camera charger this past weekend, so I'll be puttin up some blogs as well as that interview joint,,,keep lookin, and as always,,,thanks for help,,,everytime we talk, I feel like I'm movin in the right direction,,,just don't know my destination yet.
At 1:07pm on August 4, 2008, StressWon said…
I'm tryin to pick it up right now. I leaked out the album in MP3 form and I still need to get it pressed,,,I'm hoping wit a record release party soon and tryin to jump on some new shows,,,I can get things rollin, feel me? Just grindin for now. Working on another album wit Spanish Harlem (ill-fam). he says he has some distribution heads interested,. so we'll see bout that....
At 12:05pm on August 21, 2008, darrio said…
whats up thanks for checking me out. thanks again darrio

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