Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

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Supporting independent artists doesn't only benefit you, it also benefits the artists. Presaving and streaming their songs, reposting their posts on your Instagram story, and even just telling your friends about them are all so immensely helpful.


As a community, it is important to support local artists because, without local citizen support, the art they make would cease to make the impact it could make. Once artists are able to express themselves creatively and freely, beautiful art is made that can be admired by the community and the world.


There are a variety of reasons musicians and indie artists fail. Some lack real talent or work ethic. Some suffer from bad timing – like starting up a hair metal band just as grunge began to take over in the early 90s. Other artists lack motivation or let their fears win.
As we see from the other studies, literally thousands of musicians are making a living wage through music-related work. They found that 12% of the musicians (35-36 of them) said 80-100% of their income came from music-related work.

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