Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

Martez A. Howard, known professionally as “Tez”, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Tez is one of four children of a single parent. After high school, Tez left Cleveland to attend The University of Akron and pursued a degree in Communications with a dream of starting a clothing line. After graduating, his entrepreneurial spirit led him down a different path, however, and he chose to pursue a career as an artist. Tez’s musical pursuits began to gain traction in October of 2018 with his first EP, “ISM” and it’s lead single “To Late.” He began to cultivate a fanbase stemming from this project, which afforded him the opportunity to perform at John Carroll University less than a month later. Fans quickly realized that the quality of Tez’s music is surpassed only by his on-stage presence. His masterful story-telling ability and clever word-play made him an instant favorite with his live audience. Generating exposure from his performances, Tez recently started releasing music through United Masters, with his first single "1:20 Flow". The energy and passion that he brings to his lyrics are matched only by his stage presence a skill that Tez uses to engages his fans to create new ones.

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