Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

Leemy Leem Serves Up A Bowl of Hip Hop With His New Single "Blueberry Cereal"

Washington DC native and hip hop lyricist "Leemy Leem" just dropped his new single "Blueberry Cereal," and its as catchy as it sounds. Respected through out the Indie Underground circuits for his raw lyrical talent, Leem has been putting in the work required to build the loyal following he has today. When his music drops, you know it is going to differ from the norm. And definitely not sound like everyone else. A true example that good hip hop music hasn't "played out" it just went underground.

"Blueberry Cereal" starts with a with an ill ass beat from super producer "Amircat" and quickly pulls you in with its energy and rhythm.  As Leemy chants in the single with a "Roll One Up...Roll One Up" us consumers of the cannabis sativa know exactly what time it is. Allow me to go a little off track here and say, this a GREAT song for your meditation playlist. I "highly" recommend you add it.

Lyrically, Leemy Leem delivers in full. His voice carries that natural sound and his words flow through the mic to your speakers with a perfect balance. And the boy can spit! Leemy has a polished vocabulary that shows not only an educated artist, but a natural poet as well. And that's something I haven't been able to say in confidence the last few years. But with out further ado, roll up, turn up and press play. Leemy Leem even dropped the single on the popular Soundcloud App/Website for free streaming.

Subscribe to the account and stay tuned in. As we have been told Leemy Leem is preparing to release his up coming project "DVBS" with  Nightmayor Beats, TRIXA, & Bata Mika. All heavy hitters with in their local scene and underground alike.

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