Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

IIYE is a record label, located in Wichita, Kansas, that was founded by Christian Rapper Lyrical Miracle. IIYE is an acronym for Invest In Your Eternity. IIYE affiliates focus on a few biblical scriptures that sum up the reasoning of why EVERY HUMAN BEING should spend time investing into their eternity. These scriptures include: 1 John 2:15-17 and Matthew 6:19-21&24. These verses focus on four key notes about individuals investing into their eternity.

• 1 John 2:15-17 - Main Topic: Lust of the eyes, flesh and pride of life.

• Matthew 6:19-20 - Main Topic: Laying up treasures in heaven and NOT upon the Earth.

• Matthew 6:21 - Main Topic: Where your treasure is, your HEART WILL BE also.

• Matthew 6:24 - Main Topic: You CAN NOT serve TWO Masters.

In addition, ask yourself this question, "Since Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life..." (John 14:6) then why bother to follow anyone else?

Our Mission Statement

We exist to empower people to invest their lives in God and expect immeasurable rewards.

Our Vision

Our main vision at IIYE is to see lives changed and souls saved. We want to keep things simple because at the end of the day, we want others to see that God is real and that His will is the best investment that anyone can pursue.

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