Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

Adriel Arabia is a professional musician who works in the music industry. In addition to 103.7 DA BEAT ROCKFORD, IL, BIGGS RADIO - INDIANAPOLIS, Urban 100 RADIO BALTIMORE, V-100 RICHMOND, WDGR TAMPA, WDOM HOUSTON, WILD 98, VIBE 106, Radio Wigwam, United Kingdom, Amazing Radio USA, the song "I was born a Virgo" is in heavy rotation on many other radio stations.  The song "I Was Born A Virgo" by Adriel was ranked among the Top 10 in her genre on iTunes (Apple Music Charts). Please request the song " I Was Born a Virgo" on your favorite radio station.

Adriel's soft malitic voice over the well-produced beat is something one should be listening to. She has a mixture of R&B/Hip-Hop sound on this "I Was Born A Virgo" Track. The overall production is well done and should make for a good remix. Listen to the song "I Was Born Virgo" on Spotify: (

Adriel Arabia is a multi-genre artist as well as a multimedia producer from Cleveland, Ohio. As a child, he was born in Lorain, Ohio, and he has lived all over the country ever since.

The artistry of her art includes songwriting, rapping, singing, dancing, acting, photography, videography, directing, audio recording, mixing, mastering, producing, content creation, and artist development, in addition to songwriting, rapping, singing, dancing, acting, photography, videography, and videography.

In the year 2000, Adriel was three years old when she wrote her first song. As a four-year-old girl, she had her first gig at a family reunion when she was just a few months old.

She joined the children's choir at church, accompanied by her father. As a result of those experiences, she knew she wanted to work in the entertainment industry. During her first recording session in 2013, Adriel worked with Grammy award-winning gospel producer Aaron Lindsey. A few months later, Adriel was selected out of thousands of candidates to compete in the "Miss Teen Ohio Pageant". She was deeply impressed by the Barbizon Model and Talent Agency and inspired to refine her skills. Thereafter, Adriel continued to work on music that put her on the map. As indicated, she currently has the song "I Was Born A Virgo" all over the airwaves. Please request the song and become a fan. See video at:

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