Indie Planet TV

Baltimore Hip Hop's Online Destination for Self-Made Entrepreneurs

E's new music video for "OMG" is seductive, artistic, and beautiful. She blends together artistic imagery in a spotlight setting, with looks that compare to Marilyn Monroe in couture lingerie. This goddess lures you in with a flirty voice and sultry lyrics, paying homage to TLC's "ain't too proud to beg". Eve cleverly blends hip hop, R&B, and pop chorus' to perfection. With a feminist attitude and eclectic style, Eve is reminiscent to a young Prince in his burlesque days. With lyrics like "I'm not really looking for a cosign.." could Eve Minor be referencing a rapper or producer flame? E is notoriously known as a producer herself, and is all woman power, but it leaves us wondering, does the queen of curve have time for a love interest? Be sure to keep up with Eve Minor as she sky rockets in 2017. Beauty, brains, and talent, Eve Minor is what we've been waiting for.

Twitter: @eve_minor
Instagram: @eveminor

For interviews or questions call Parnell Gervais @ Thorough Consulting 631.664.4927

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