Indie Planet TV

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DC Miah & Chyna Darby - "Hold Me Down"

Hip-Hop has a tradition of collaboration, even the one-man army occasionally brings in additional arsenal to accompany his lyrical brigade; and such is the case with DC Miah’s new masterpiece, “Hold Me Down,” featuring Chyna Darby. The track opens with a dramatized conversation followed by a perfectly placed piano soliloquy. Thematically similar to Meth & Mary’s,” All that I need, Or Biggie’s “Me and My Bxtch” or even “Renee,” by The Lost Boyz this is hip-hops love song for this generation. It’s a dope duet with poignant depictions of a man’s longing fir from not only a woman but his woman. A woman who’s holding it down, and providing genuine loyalty. The song is a classic in the making and Chyna might be the perfect millennial archetype for this track; her vocals blend perfectly with DC’s rhyme scheme and melodic patterns; adding a more relatable factor to the song that may have been otherwise lost without her otherwise. In today’s music – endearing, sincere artist are a lost art, rappers are berating women inundating the culture with negative images, and forgetting what love feels like, this song is a relief from the stereotypical misogyny and worth adding to your playlist.


Instagram: @dc__miah 
Facebook: Dc Miah 

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