Indie Planet TV

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Dame Dilla started rapping when he was 11- years old. He and His older brother would listen to rap and Dame would mimic what he heard. He became good at mimicking these songs and began to write his own music. Dilla grew up in the Cabrini Green Housing Projects, one of the most infamous housing projects in the city of Chicago, along with his Mother and Six Siblings. In 1993, Dame Dilla and his family relocated to the Uptown Neighborhood on Chicago’s North side. The Uptown neighborhood was no different. Like many other young black males in the community, Dame Dilla was enticed by the lures of the streets. Still an avid lyricist, his experiences in the streets influenced his music. His New Project "Legendary" A single off the soon to be released project "Outstanding Member" is just the tip of the iceberg.





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