Indie Planet TV

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CHRIS RAIN, also known as Christian Sassaro, a 22 year old Italian-British artist born and raised in the rural mountains of Northeast Italy, his musical journey began at 15 years old on SoundCloud. Heavily influenced while growing up by notorious emo-pillars such as: Lil Peep, Brennan Savage and Gothboiclique. releasing his first song "How I Feel" on soundcloud in 2017, as a tribute to the passing of Gus. Raised in a single-parent household, and completely isolated from society for almost a decade, Chris briefly moved to Amsterdam at 21 to pursue his music career more seriously. Collaborating with industry professionals, he refined his sound and pushed the boundaries of what is loosely called emo-pop music. Now with over 40 million streams across all platforms, Chris continues to evolve as an artist, exploring new territories and sounds that have yet to be discovered.

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