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Foxy Brown Released From The Slammer

Hopefully we can get an exclusive from Brooklyn's Don Diva when we hit the New York leg of our filming in early May.

Foxy served a 241 day prison term for probation violation on a 2004 charge on assault. Unfortunately, she still has to answer charges of banging her neighbor in the domepiece with a Crackberry phone.

She also has a case down in South Beach when she spit on a owner of a beauty store and squirted hair glue on the individual too.

In between dealing with court, Foxy will also get back to her career. After being released, she will gear up for the release of her fourth studio album, Brooklyn’s Don Diva.

Her new album was set for February, but was pushed back so she can get out the bing and promote the project.

Blackhand is the label, and the gang - so hopefully the C-N-C can keep her focused and get her back to releasing that classic material -

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